Vault: Being A Great Teammate

Being An Elite Athlete: “It Looks Like Peace, But It’s War”

ESPN’s True Hoop posted a very interesting article called: Being an Elite Athlete: “It Looks Like Peace, But It’s War”. Author Henry Abbott makes a very interesting comparison between drafting an athlete in the NBA and the qualities that comprise successful Ethiopian marathon runner, Haile Gebrselassie. Some of this article speaks to motivation, but it …

Your Team Culture Is Held In The Conversations

A newly minted friend in the US, William Sheldon, spoke about culture recently. He said, and I’m paraphrasing here, ‘culture is held (or staged) in conversations.‘ Culture is defined, and lived, in the way we talk about ourselves and each other; it’s found in our interactions. Think about that for a moment. Read it again… …

4 Levels of Leadership

A favourite book of mine is The Art of Possibility, by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander. It’s a great read for anyone. I have referenced ideas from it quite frequently wearing my coaching hat, but have also done the same during corporate speaking engagements. With all credit going to Ben and Roz… The following thoughts …