I am a teacher-coach. Creative, passionate, and resourceful, I inspire those qualities in others. I coach coaches and love developing leaders for others.
My sole focus is providing you with tools, tips, ideas, inspiration and insights, in order to awaken new possibilities.
I will pay a special attention to coach education grounded in deepening player learning and decision making, coaching creatively, effective communication, running more efficient practices, myth-busting, leadership development, and motivation. (Whew! That’s a big undertaking.)
Oh ya, all of that will be anchored in the science behind long-term athlete development.
Why? Because great coaching matters!
What I hear from many basketball coaches is that it’s difficult to sift through the clutter and find the little things that are going to yield the biggest results.
There’s so much noise in the online world that it can be overwhelming to know what’s worth giving your attention. Well, theLLaBB (pron: the lab) will be your swiss army knife for ideas on player development: both useful and functional. This can be a trusted hub spot where insights and concepts have been thoughtfully distilled down so that you can get back to what you love: coaching.
Remember, the goal is not more content… it’s the right content. I’ll sift through the clutter so you don’t have to.
A coach by training and a teacher by calling, I’ve developed my coaching eye over the past 15+ years working in the NBA (domestically and internationally), WNBA, NHL; and, within an international context with Canada Basketball (FIBA).
From three year olds to 30+ year olds, North America to Asia (and in between), able-bodied to wheelchair bound, male and female; also, those with varied learning capabilities, I like to think I have a unique perspective on athlete development.
Want to hear more? You can read my full story here.