Joe Bonai: Explosive Change of Direction and ACL Injury Prevention

Joe Bonai produces and shares a lot of very good stuff. In a recent post, he gives a thorough breakdown of what he calls a “Cut Stop” (Don’t get caught up in the name, delve into the concept and theory.) Here’s what he says…

There’s one exercise that will decrease ACL injury-risk, immediately and dramatically improve agility scores and also improve an athlete’s endurance. It’s not strength dependant, and can give athletes with the weakest engines a head start on their opponents. It’s easy to coach and it’s even easy for athletes to retain. It’s the Cut Stop.

Bonai give a complete explanation of the progression and why he feels it’s so important of a movement pattern for injury prevention, deceleration and acceleration on his website.

Here is a video that shows you how the ‘Cut Stop’ is introduced and progressed into lateral movement drills…
