Resources: Long-Term Athlete Development

The Sport Canada has updated its Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) and Canadian Sport For Life website: A parent recently asked me to post the links to the theLLaBB, so here you go:

These are some of the best resources available on the net, in English, that articulates what things are age- and stage- appropriate in player development. Read away. Share with others.

We must continue to educate athletes, parents, administrators, decision influencers, alike.

I’d like to challenge anyone who is interested in an athlete-centred approach to development to read these resources and shake it around with their personal philosophies and conceptions of sport and athlete development. To coaches and parents, we must now go beyond anecdotal intuition that says: “That’s the way I did it.” And, base our decision-making by becoming more informed. Just because that’s the way it’s always been done, doesn’t make it right.

The environment of sport participation has changed. (This is not a Canadian thing!) So, too, must our ideologies and understanding of player development.

Share. Share. Share.


What other types of resources would you like information on?