Tag: Goals

Here’s How To Approah Failure

Those driven toward excellence and winning, should never view failure as something that saps your energy, enthusiasm and vitality. Instead, it provides an opportunity to respond famously by animating, increasing your focus, and viewing the experience itself as an opportunity to learn, develop and adapt. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying significant failures won’t …

A Recipe For Failure: New Year’s Resolutions

The start of the calendar year is that time of year when it’s common for people to starting crafting bold New Year’s resolutions that are intended to dramatically change the trajectory of their lives. Well ‘ba-humbug’ to New Year’s resolutions. Yup, I said it. The notion to me has never really rung true. And, it probably …

Shut Up And Keep Your Goals To Yourself

Most of you already know that I’m a *big* fan of TED Talks. Here’s a 3-minute talk by Derek Sivers that caught me off guard. It centres on the notion that telling someone your goal makes it less likely to happen…! “The mind mistakes the talking for the doing.” Here’s something to chew on from Derek Siver’s …

Profile of a Champion: 8 Principles Of Successful Living

To achieve success and fulfillment in virtually any endeavour one wishes to undertake, there is a common set of conditions that must be met. Every great man and woman throughout the pages of history has been a living testament to the prerequisites of achievement, which I call the “Eight Principles of Successful Living.” PRINCIPLE #1: …

60 Second PhD In Leadership

Make a list of all the things you abhorred. DON’T DO THEM TO OTHERS… EVER. Make another list of the things done to you that you loved. DO THEM TO OTHERS… ALWAYS. And you thought leadership was complicated. /sef. #thankthepasser: Source – Dee Hock, Founder of VISA