Vault: Sports Parenting

Draymond Green: On allowing his character to be attacked

The 2016 NBA Playoffs Final between the Golden State Warriors and Cleveland Cavaliers couldn’t have been scripted any better than the real thing played out. Golden State, with a record 73 regular-season victories and comparisons to the all-time great teams in NBA history, jumps out to a 3-1 lead. No team in 32 tries had ever …

Shortcuts In A Long Race

There are no shortcuts. There are merely different paths. Some are just more direct than others. Stuck in traffic, slowed by a flat tire or derailed by bad parts… most of us, just run out of gas and have bought into faulty directions. The Microwave Mentality At the risk of sounding old, I’ll put it …

Positive Praise: Short-Term Results At The Expense Of Long-Term Success

Carol Dweck in her book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success speaks to what she calls a “fixed mind-set” versus a “growth mind-set”. Her work has been instrumental in outlining the transformational power that comes from changing how we – as coaches and athletes – think about failure. Watch this short video that shows the …

Here’s How To Approah Failure

Those driven toward excellence and winning, should never view failure as something that saps your energy, enthusiasm and vitality. Instead, it provides an opportunity to respond famously by animating, increasing your focus, and viewing the experience itself as an opportunity to learn, develop and adapt. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying significant failures won’t …

Snooze… Or Lose

Snooze or Lose is an purposeful article from that every parent should read.  Kids, especially if they’re young athletes, need their sleep or their cognitive ability may get set back for years. Here’s a thought from it: “A few scientists theorize that sleep problems during formative years can cause permanent changes in a child’s …