Tag: Teaching

Foundation For Bigger Future Gains

Early this morning I stumbled across a blog (SquatRx) that had a quote from Gray Cook… “It is possible for an athlete to perform well even when poor form is used, but eventually the athlete will experience breakdown, inconsistency, fatigue, soreness, and even injury. It should be the goal of the training program to create …

Entrenador Mario DeSisti

A coach asked me two weeks ago what was it that caused me to start thinking about coaching and player development differently. There are many things, needless to say; however, one significant contributor was a Italian basketball coach by the name of Mario DeSisti who I was fortunate to have met and learned from in …

Go Beyond Teaching To The Test

Back from a very good week directing at Point Guard College in Denton, TX. There were a total of 121 athletes who worked with our team of basketball coaches. We made some good modifications to the format and delivery and I was pleased with the progress made in how things are being taught at PGC. …

Your Team Culture Is Held In The Conversations

A newly minted friend in the US, William Sheldon, spoke about culture recently. He said, and I’m paraphrasing here, ‘culture is held (or staged) in conversations.‘ Culture is defined, and lived, in the way we talk about ourselves and each other; it’s found in our interactions. Think about that for a moment. Read it again… …

TLC: You’ve Gotta Have Rhythm To Coach

It all starts with some TLC. Not tender loving care, that is, but knowing the difference between a teaching activity, learning activity and competing activity. Let me explain… TEACHING vs. LEARNING vs. COMPETING In order for a coaching staff to run more effective practices, coaches need to apply a little TLC. T = Teaching Activity …

Teaching Vision In Basketball

The NYTimes.com featured and article, “It’s a Vision Thing for Nash in Soccer and Basketball.”  To be frank, it’s not an overly enticing read, but what jumped out to me was something that I’ve been toiling with at length for quite some time: vision.  And, how to teach it. In the article, Claudio Reyna, long-time …