Tag: Video

Start In Stance. Move In Stance. Finish In Stance.

Here’s a video that I picked up from Swedish coach and friend David Leman’s blog: Leman Coaching. (BTW – If you can translate Swedish, let me know. I know he’s got more nuggets on his site, but I just can’t understand them!) In the video, Lithuanian coach, Evaldas Kandratavicius, takes a young basketball player through …

The Power of Storytelling

This 17-minute feature had me enthralled. You see… I *love* great speakers – especially those that are able to deliver ideas in a way that makes the common, uncommon. You know what I mean? It’s those people who bring you to the edge of your seat and have you locked in when they speak (like this guy). …

Shut Up And Keep Your Goals To Yourself

Most of you already know that I’m a *big* fan of TED Talks. Here’s a 3-minute talk by Derek Sivers that caught me off guard. It centres on the notion that telling someone your goal makes it less likely to happen…! “The mind mistakes the talking for the doing.” Here’s something to chew on from Derek Siver’s …

How Great Leaders Inspire Action

DO NOT CLICK PLAY unless you have 18 minutes to spare… I’m serious. If you’re anything like me, once you start this video, you’ll have a tough time stopping it. This is a great talk by Simon Sinek: “People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it. The goal is not to …

The Surprising Truth About What Motivates People

11 minutes long and well worth the time to watch. How’s that for being direct and to the point? This talk (and video) from Dan Pink is FANTASTIC! He reveals some fascinating ‘truths’ about what motivates people. Creative delivery with fast moving illustrations that are easy to track. Judge for yourself… /sef.

How Do We Learn Best?

This video of a baby dancing to Beyoncé Single Ladies has gotten a lot of play. It’s ABSOLUTELY hilarious— especially the father’s laugh in the background! But as I watched it a second time, it served as a useful reminder to me (for athletes): Some of our best learning comes from watching others. Athletes spend a …

Footwork: Artful & Efficient

This is a must see video. The NYTimes.com absolutely crushes it (pun only slightly intended!) with the feature which explains why Roger Federer’s footwork is the basis for a nearly flawless game. This is not about tennis.  This applies to all sports. This is an insightful illustration/description of fundamental movement skills and basic physical literacy that *any* athlete must obtain to …