World’s Greatest Stretch

I’ll stay on theme here with this video from Core Performance on what they’ve termed, “The World’s Greatest Stretch.”

CLICK HERE to watch the video on the CP website.

Core Performance has done a very good job in this video, and the others in their video library, of explaining WHAT the correct movement patterns are and WHY they’re important.

Movement and sport science are two areas that coaches have a tendency to shy away from. Many feel that it’s the domain of the strength & conditioning coach or team trainer. And, it’s typical to see in many team environments a team being warmed up by someone not on the coaching the staff with the basketball-people off to the side fine tuning practice plan details.

I’m not saying that their is no value in that. What I am going to argue is that it is as critically important for a coach to be an active participant in the process of movement preparation of their athletes. To me, this is a critical time to:

  • Assess movement dysfunction (fundamental and skill development)
  • Get ‘positive’ touches with your athletes & get a feel for your athlete’s temperament (socio-emotional development)
  • Create focus and intention and heighten and athlete’s concentration (mental training)

Next practice… jump in and learn.


If others have good links to online video in the area of dynamic warm up and movement prep, do share.